Kop Hill Climb Charity Donations Reach £870k

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Kop Hill Climb Charity Donations Reach £870k

Including the recently-announced £105k outcome of the 2021 event, the running total of KHC’s charity donations since its revival in 2009 has reached £870k.


The 2021 sum has already been distributed to a wide range of local charities or good causes, which have received grants of up to £5,000 for specifically designated purposes. They cover a broad range of needs to help hundreds of local people, including children, the elderly, those socially isolated and those struggling with mental illness and life-limiting circumstances. A full listing of those who received an award can be found on the KHC website (www.kophillclimb.org.uk).


The event is run entirely by volunteers, whose efforts were marked by a Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service in 2020.


This year’s event is scheduled for the weekend of September 24/25. Early Bird tickets are now available from the website above.”


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