A few simple habits can make life more rewarding

Chenies and Chess Valley Walk via Latimer
January 3, 2019
Beat the winter blues
January 3, 2019
Chenies and Chess Valley Walk via Latimer
January 3, 2019
Beat the winter blues
January 3, 2019

A few simple habits can make life more rewarding

Unfortunately injury is a common threat when engaging in sport or even the activities of every day life. How we treat it may determine our path to either full recovery or re-injury.


David, as a professional Osteopath, suggests that you don’t have to be in fear and pain whilst continuing with an active lifestyle. Injury recovery can be as much a mental process as it is a physical one. Negative emotions and a reduction in confidence are a completely natural response to injury.


It is understandable to feel over cautious about jumping back into training after an accident, even after being cleared by your doctor or therapist but there are several things you can do to ease your transition back into full active health.


Firstly, acknowledge that you do not have to accept being in pain or fearing further injury, and then establish a care team in whom you have confidence. This may include, amongst others, your GP, Osteopath, friends and family. Their support will increase self-confidence and reduce re-injury anxiety. Once you are in the recovery phase assess how effectively your practices are helping you to remain pain free, and then adjust them as necessary.

Recovery is a long term, ongoing process.


Best wishes, David

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