Basic Bread Dough – no knead method

Summer Highlights at Aylesbury Waterside Theatre
April 21, 2020
Blue Cross | Animal Charity
April 21, 2020
Summer Highlights at Aylesbury Waterside Theatre
April 21, 2020
Blue Cross | Animal Charity
April 21, 2020

Basic Bread Dough – no knead method

This is my no-knead method, it’s super easy, but don’t try and knead it it’s too wet a mixture, also don’t use a mixer, it will just stick to the dough hook.  Make sure your measurements are exact for the flour and water.


Ingredients: for 1 loaf

-500g strong flour

-1.5 tsp salt

-10g fresh yeast or 1 sachet dried yeast

-350ml water – room temperature or luke warm

-1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil


How to make bread……WASH YOUR HANDS

  1. Place the flour and salt in a bowl and mix well. Crumble the fresh yeast into a bowl with the warm water, if using dried yeast just sprinkle this over the water, mix until the yeast has dissolved.  Tip the dry ingredients into wet ingredients and mix with a dough scraper or wooden spoon. Pour the olive oil into the clean bowl and transfer the dough to this bowl.  Cover with a damp tea towel or oiled cling film and set the timer for 10 minutes.
  2. After 10 minutes remove the cover and pull the outside of the dough across to the other side, turning the bowl so you make around 8-12 ‘pulls’, the dough will start to resist a little. Cover, set the timer for 10 minutes, repeat 3 more times.
  3. After the final ‘knead’ the dough should be lovely and smooth, now it needs to develop flavour. Allow the dough to rest for 1 hour – no more, no less, 1 hour, covered with a damp tea towel in a warm place. The microwave will do, don’t use the top of the AGA or the airing cupboards, one is too hot the other is too dry, next to the AGA is fine, make sure the tea towel doesn’t dry out.
  4. After the hour the dough should be around double it’s size, you need to keep this precious air inside the dough so don’t do as you may have been taught in school and ‘knock back’ the dough, but gently lift it out of the bowl onto a lightly floured (yes I know, this time I’m allowing you to add a little four) surface and gently fold the outside edges of the dough into the middle, moulding it into the shape you would like it to be – left as a round ‘cob’ or transferring it to a greased loaf tin.
  5. Once it’s been moulded then it needs proving to develop the flavour, cover the dough with a damp tea towel and leave it for 45 mins until it’s just under double it’s size, don’t let it get any bigger
  6. Meanwhile preheat the oven to 220oc/gas 8 and put a flat baking tray on the bottom of the oven.
  7. Bake your bread, either as a loaf for around 30-40 minutes or remove the hot baking tray from the oven and gently transfer the loaf onto it, bake for 40-45 mins, until dark golden brown and when you tap underneath it sounds ‘hollow’

Do have a look at my website for more delicious recipes, including recipes to turn the bread dough into, plus a carrot cake recipe with alternative ingredients.


Cookery classes in the time of Covid-19 have gone virtual. I’m launching my new interactive virtual cookery classes to replace my Saturday morning classes as from NEXT WEEK Saturday 11th April….Two classes every Saturday morning.

10am – Young adults (13+) and older ones too

11.30am – Children and family class

Both classes will make the same dish, but I ask that an adult is on hand for the children’s class to help with sharps and heat work. Pricing is from £8 per class if you book 4 or more classes, or £12 for a one off class. Recipes, plus ingredient alternatives and utensils lists will be sent out in advance so you can plan the food shop and get everything out ready. The classes will last around 1 hour and are fully interactive so we prep, mix and cook together. I can also see what you’re doing and check techniques, and you can ask me any questions as we go along. There will be lots of tips and chat too.

Please spread the word. Hopefully this will be a bit of fun on a Saturday morning and you can make some lovely food to share and learn new skills. This is a great way of encouraging children, teenagers, families and adults to roll their sleeves up and cook along with Beverley on Saturday mornings.

Beverley Glock |  Director

Food writer, author and broadcaster

Member of The Guild of Food Writers

Shortlisted for British Cookery School Awards 2014

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