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Healthy Ageing

From experience people say, ‘it’s because I’m getting older’ more when they get into their mid to late 40s, this may be because they have begun to experience some joint stiffness, or notice they can’t quite perform to the physical level that they recall.


As time goes on our body’s structure begins to change, joints may lose their smooth cartilage surfaces leading to arthritis, the muscles and tendons become less elastic due to changes in their chemistry and later in life the bones can lose density leading to osteoporosis.


These changes lead to changes in posture, ranges of movement and levels of pain experienced on activity. The good news is that as people naturally age, there are lots of things that can help  low any decline and help keep them active and pain free.


With self help that may need appropriate encouragement; in example, a person who continues to do cardiovascular exercise, such as cycling/walking as they get older, tend to have 50% less decline than those who are sedentary.


I hope this article shows that Osteopathic treatment with activity, can benefit people of all ages. Favourable treatment may adapt, but David as an osteopath, has the skills to accurately assess  and treat people in their development. The nature of osteopathic treatment will enhance your well being in a holistic manner.


Appropriate treatment will keep your tissue’s relax and increase your circulation. Maintaining your bodies optimum condition and function, is the principal objective of your individual treatment, including practical advice.


Best wishes, David 


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