Sustainable gardening is here to stay – Hartwell Nurseries

Healthy Ageing
April 30, 2024
April 30, 2024
Healthy Ageing
April 30, 2024
April 30, 2024

Sustainable gardening is here to stay – Hartwell Nurseries

Sustainable gardening is no longer just a trend, it’s a way of life that everyone should all be striving for. More people are taking an interest in gardening and creating beautiful outdoor spaces, growing their own food, and promoting environmental sustainability.


Adopting a range of sustainable practices, such as growing your own fruit, vegetables, and other edibles, planting native species, using rainwater to water gardens, and building rich ecosystems we are reducing our impact on the planet, promoting physical and mental wellbeing, and enhancing our quality of life.


Enjoy locally homegrown.

Garden centres, including family-run garden centre Hartwell Nurseries in Aylesbury, are branching out and growing their own home-produced ranges of perennials, bedding plants, trees, shrubs and more, in specialist on site growing areas, to expand a unique offering and continue their sustainability journey.


Providing home-grown plants enables garden centres to offer a greater choice of British and local plants, guarantee the best quality of plants that have been grown within a UK climate, lower their carbon footprint, and offer expert job opportunities to local people.


As a local example of savings, since the Hartwell Nurseries initiative began in February this year, the team has managed to reduce the impact on its usual transport and travel, by stopping deliveries of over 3 arctic lorries, 120 trollies and the use of almost 3000 2-litre bedding trays.


Sustainable homegrown inspiration.

Quick and easy sustainable ideas that are actionable at home right now, include planting your own fruit trees and plants, potting herb and vegetables seeds, planting strawberry runners, installing water butts, plant for pollinators by adding a wildflower garden and more.


If you’d rather support locally home-produced plants and trees, this month gardeners can expect to enjoy British perennials such as Foxgloves, Salvia, hardy Fuchsia, Lavender and all those bright and beautifully fragrant flowers that will brighten up your garden over the late spring and early summer months.


Whatever the size of your outdoor space or whether you’re an experienced gardener or just starting out, sustainable gardening is here to stay, and the opportunities are endless.


Happy gardening!


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